NECLIME working group on climate
Coordination: Angela A. Bruch, Torsten Utescher
The NECLIME working group on climate focuses on quantitative methods of climate reconstruction, their theoretical background, their impact on biome modeling based on paleoclimate data, and comparisons of proxy-based reconstructions with model data. Various approaches are discussed regarding the validity of their methodologies and exploring their precision and accuracy. A focus of the working group lies also on the quality of data sources such as modern climate data, biome maps, and plant distribution. Different methods for extracting climatic requirements of plant (and other) taxa using statistical processes are assessed. This NECLIME working group aims for a deeper understanding of paleoclimate changes in a warmer world and the sensitivity of environments to past climate change.
Forthcoming meeting
Workshops of the NECLIME working group on climate will be announced here.
Past workshops and reports
5. workshop, online, 2022 - Report
4. workshop, Liège (Belgium), 2017
- Report
3. workshop, Stratton Audley (United Kingdom), 2015 - Outline
and report
2. workshop, Stratton Audley (United Kingdom), 2012
1. workshop, in Frankfurt (Germany), 2010 - Report
Useful links
Maps, graphs, tables, and data of the global climate for free
European tree species distribution maps by the European Forest
Genetic Resources Programe.
Florae Europaeae (AFE)
AFE is a running long-term programme for mapping the distribution
of vascular plants in Europe. The original aim is to offer complementary
maps with taxonomic notes of species and subspecies for the published
Flora Europaea.
Atlas of Forest Tree Species
Organized by the European Commission, this comprehensive work
is a scientific publication, in which researchers and forest specialists
can find rigorous and up-to-date information on the many tree
species of our forests, and a publication suited for education
and the dissemination of information about the richness of our
forests to our generation and future generations.
Atlas of Relations between
climatic parameters and distributions of important trees and shrubs
in North America
Atlas published by Thompson et al. (1999) exploring the geographic
ranges of woody plant species and climate in North America.
Free and Open Access to Biodiversity Data
The Tropicos database links over 1.33M scientific names with
over 4.87M specimens and over 685K digital images. The data includes
over 150K references from over 52.6K publications offered as a
free service to the world’s scientific community.
The Botanical Information
and Ecology Network (BIEN)
BIEN is a network ecologists, botanists, and computer scientists
working together to document global patterns of plant diversity,
function and distribution. tracks more than 2,000 forest plots in 31 countries
and is helping to measure, monitor, and analyze the world’s
tropical forests.
Plant Database
The database comprises currently 203,984 names of African plants
with their nomenclatural status.
Plants of southern Africa
This website provides access to South African plant names (taxa),
specimens (herbarium sheets) and observations of plants made in
the field (botanical records).