News and Highlights
New journal – Earth History and Biodiversity
Based on an initiative of Tao Su, Elsevier launched a new open access journal beginning of 2024. The aims and scope of the journal widely overlap with the NECLIME scientific topics, which makes it a perfect place to publish NECLIME related content.
During the initial phase the journal will be sponsored by Elsevier and the first issues will be published free of charge.
We cordially invite the NECLIME community to consider submission of their respective research. Any suggestions for a topical special issue are highly welcome.
Please get in touch --> Earth History and Biodiversity
Editor-in-chief Tao Su, Associate Editors José Carrion and Angela Bruch
New publication: Overview on the Iberian Paleofloras
Pepe Carrion and colleagues published a comprehensive overview on the Iberian Paleofloras. This impressive and beautiful book is open access and available here -->
Iberian Palaeoflora and Paleovegetation.
13th workshop of the working group on palynology
The next NECLIME pollen workshop will be held in Cracow, Poland in october 23-26, 2024.
More details you will find under Events/Workshops.
Publication of the Palaeoflora Database
It's done! The key tables of the Palaeoflora Database providing essential information about fossil taxa, nearest living relatives (NLRs), and climatic requirements for a total of seven
variables have been published in the open repository Zenodo. The publication includes tables (2024 update) and a detailed documentation. The link to the publication is provided on
this website under Resources/Databases.
The published Palaeoflora data replace the data previously available on the Palaeoflora website ( and are cited using the reference (see Publications 2024).
The previous Palaeoflora website will no longer be operational for technical reasons and high effort connected to its maintenance.
It is planned to update the published Palaeoflora tables on a regular basis. Thus, your input is highly welcome. Please contact the corresponding author if you encounter any data needing revision.
NECLIME annual conference 2024, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 8-15 September
The next NECLIME annual meeting will be held in Almaty, Kazakhstan, organized by Saida Nigmatova, Svetlana Popova and colleagues. Scientifically, the focus will be put on Cenozoic climate and ecosystem evolution in Central Asia, especially in extreme environments.
Excursions are planned to Paleogene-Neogene deposits of South-East Kazakhstan in Altyn-Emel National Park with Miocene fauna and flora.
More information you can find in the third circular.
NECLIME Newsletter 2023
Thanks to all of you for your dedication and active roles in the network during this year – from contributions and discussions at our meetings to introducing and promoting NECLIME to your
students and to a wider scientific community. An active and visible NECLIME which attracts new colleagues ensures not only the future of our network but also its growing relevance for climate and
biodiversity research. We would also be happy to support your activities at any time and distribute information to the NECLIME network. Take advantage of our email list and keep in touch!
You can find the newsletter here.