NECLIME Homepage


NECLIME working group on plant macrofossils

Coordination: Boglárka Erdei, Torsten Utescher

The NECLIME working group on plant macrofossils was established to promote nearest living relative approaches for environmental reconstructions through discussing the latest results in the fields of plant taxonomy and identification of fossil leaves, seeds and fruits. Therefore, this working group focuses on newly established fossil species of interest to NECLIME, and the identification of their most appropriate nearest living relatives. Taphonomic processes in leaves, fruits and seeds are also of great interest due to their influence on the plant fossil record.
Furthermore, various paleoclimatic techniques applied on leaves (e.g. CLAMP and Coexistence Approach) are compared in details to analyze fundamental and methodological differences, strengths and weaknesses, and their potential impact on large-scale reconstructions.
Another emphasis lies on the further development of the Whole Plant Concept in close co-operation with the NECLIME working group on palynology.

Forthcoming meeting

Information on forthcoming events will be announced at Workshops.

Past workshops and reports

4. workshop, Sofia (Bulgaria), 2018 - Report
3. workshop, Brno (Czech Republic), 2017
2. workshop, Sofia (Bulgaria), 2012 - Report
1. workshop, Budapest (Hungary), 2011 - Report
1. pre-meeting, Frankfurt (Germany), 2010 - Report

Photos of past workshops here

Useful links

Cleared leaf database
This site displays scanned images of a collection of cleared leaf samples of extant plants from all over the world which are stored in the Paleobotanical Laboratory of the National Museum of Nature and Science in Ibaraki, Japan.

Cuticle database

Cleared leaf collection
Online picture database of the Palaeontology collection and Modern Cleared Leaves by University of California, Museum of Paleontology

Climate Leaf Analysis Multivariante Program; find more information

Kanina Diatomite © T. Utescher

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