NECLIME Homepage


NECLIME working group on palynology

Coordination: Dimiter Ivanov

The aim of the NECLIME working group on palynology is to reflect on the applicability of palynological data as a basis of paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental analysis. A main focus lies on the identification of nearest living relatives (NLRs) to fossil morpho-species using in-depth comparison of light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy as well as on updating taxa lists considering changes in plant systematics. In addition, the working group on palynology discusses issues on taphonomy, pollen preservation and ambiguous taxa and their impact on a palynological assemblage to overcome biases in the environmental and climatic interpretation. Another focus of the working group is non-pollen palynomorphs and their paleoenvironmental implications.

As one of the major results of this working group, the list of NLRs has been updated including new additions described in the Atlas of Pollen and Spores of the Polish Neogene Vol. 1-3 by Stuchlik et al. (Eds.) and their interpretation in terms of NLRs.

Forthcoming meeting

Information on forthcoming events will be announced at Workshops.

Past workshops and reports

12. workshop, Antalya (Turkey), 2023 - Report
11. workshop, Bratislava (Slovakia), 2022
10. workshop, Weimar (Germany), 2019 - Report
9. workshop, Sofia (Bulgaria), 2018 - Report
8. workshop, Brno (Czech Republic), 2017
7. workshop, Bratislava (Slovakia), 2016 - Report
6. workshop, Warsaw (Poland), 2015 - Report
5. workshop, Kütahya (Turkey), 2014 - Report , Palaeoflora update
4. workshop, Bratislava (Slovakia), 2013 - Report
3. workshop, Sofia (Bulgaria), 2012 - Report
2. workshop, Cracow (Poland), 2011 - Report
1. workshop, Sofia (Bulgaria), 2010 - Report

Photos of past workshops here

Useful links

Neotoma Paleoecology Database
Neotoma exists to support global-change research by providing an open, community-curated repository for multiple kinds of paleoecological data (including Fossil Pollen and Plant Macrofossils). Neotoma covers primarily the Pliocene-Quaternary part of the geologic record.

Palynological Database, including LM, TEM and SEM images from recent and fossil pollen.

New Zealand fossil spores and pollen catalog
This web-based catalogue presents an entry for each of the approximately 830 species of fossil spore or pollen from the New Zealand region that is recorded in the scientific literature.

The Global Pollen Project
Browse the dynamic and ever expanding reference collection of the Global Pollen Project. Individual reference collections and identified material are combined into an always up-to-date botanical taxonomy.

Non-Pollen Palynomorph Image Database
An important collection of "extra fossils" in pollen slides. This website provides a large number of images of non pollen palynomorphs, as well as links to other useful image databases and keys.

© A.Kern

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